Green Life 所发售的天然海草干品,产自马来西亚沙巴州,仙本那无污染洁净的海域。从海上捞起之后,都是经过挑选、海水洗净、自然晒干,所以有别于市场上还附着海盐的干品。由于是以最天然的方法冲洗,干品还是会有海水的气味,只要经过食前的浸泡和换水就能轻易去除。另外,也许你会发现储存久了的干品会出现一些海盐附在海草,你可以利用这些天然的海盐来煮菜调味的哦!
This natural seaweed which is distributed by Green Life is growing along the unpolluted coast at Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. The seaweed is collected from sea, selected, washed and dried naturally. As seaweed been naturally cleaned, you may discover that it comes with the strong sea smell. Smell can be removed easily after it has been soaked and rinsed several times. Enjoy our finest and natural seaweed no matter in raw or cooked recipe. Besides, you may found some sea salt attach on the dry seaweed that you store for some times, the natural sea salt can be used as the natural seasoning for your dishes.
浸泡过后的成品 Soaked seaweed |
Green Life 推荐の珊瑚草食谱